Monday, March 29, 2010

So how do you feel about cloning? Reproductive Cloning is a very controversial topic in the United States. But there are other types of cloning too such as Recombinant DNA Technology or DNA cloning and this is also called molecular cloning and gene cloning(DNA from an organism is transfered into a self replicating genetic organism like a bacterial plasmid. Then the DNA is put into a host cell)Reproductive cloning is when scientist take DNA from a adult cell and put it into a egg that has had it's nucleus removed. So obviously, that egg does not have anymore DNA. This egg undergoes electric current treatment and is subjected to chemicals so it will divide. Once it has divided enought and reached a certain age, the egg is put into the uterus of another animal to grow and develop.

The process of Reproductive cloning is very complicated and difficult to preform with success. There have been many unsuccessful attempts to clone animal but some have successfully been cloned. Some animals cloned are pigs, sheep, cats, monkeys, cows and mice. Of course you have probably heard about Dolly the sheep who was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell. She was the only successful attempt out of 277 attempts. Dolly lived to be six when most sheep live to be 12. Some speculate that this is because her clone "mother" was six when they took the DNA. But, some just say that it is because she naturally contracted lung disease which is common for goats.

So, the question is, if we can successfully clone an animal, will we attempt to clone humans? Many people argue about this. Some say that it is a good thing because if a child dies, parents can use his DNA to get him back again. But would the child be the same? Do clones have souls? Is it ethical to even clone someone? This are all questions that have people wondering. Personally, I think human cloning is something that should stay in science fiction movies...I'm not ready for everyone to look the same.

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