Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hello!! So it's been awhile since I have said anything. So today I found a website called I found this cool list of things that you can do with your DNA. Here's a couple-

You can extract your own Dna! here's how-

1.Gather together sodium chloride, liquid soap, 2 glass beakers, bottled and distilled water, 2 test tubes, test tube stoppers, glass rod, a plastic cup and rubbing alcohol.
2.Place 8 grams of sodium chloride in one of the beakers and dissolve with 92 milliliters of distilled water.
3.In a second beaker, combine 25 milliliters of liquid soap with 75 milliliters of distilled water.
4.Pour 1 milliliter of the sodium chloride solution into a large test tube.
5.Pour 10 milliliters of the bottled water into a plastic cup and swirl the water in your mouth for 30 seconds.
6.Spit the water back into the cup and pour the contents into the test tube containing the sodium chloride solution.
7.Add 1 milliliter of liquid soap to the test tube.
8.Cover the top of the test tube with a stopper and gently mix the contents by turning the test tube upside down and right side up.
9.Add 5 milliliters of the rubbing alcohol to the test tube making sure to pour it at an angle down the side of the test tube.
10.Wait for about 5 minutes and watch as the DNA floats to the surface.
11.Pour 1 milliliter of alcohol into the second test tube.
12.Use the glass rod to remove the DNA from the first test tube by twirling the rod in a circular motion.
13.Place the DNA into the second test tube containing the alcohol.

Other things this website suggests are kind of silly but I like them anyways. You can also make a portrait or painting of your dna

I thought that was pretty cool. Also, the website suggests a bonus idea of what you can do with your Dna- pass it into the future by having children ( :

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