Sunday, February 28, 2010

Okay, I'm finishing this up now-

4. Karotypes let us count and compare chromosomes
Karyotypes stop the cell division to a point where the chromosomes are in their tight condensed and easier to see. Then a dark dye is added to also make it easier to see.

5. Chromosomes usually come in pairs.
There are 23 human chromosomes but everybody has 2 copies so they have 46. Half from your mother and half from your father. Homologous chromosomes are the chromosomes that make up a pair. Cells that contain two sets of chromosomes are called diploid. Haploid cells only have one set of chromosomes. So egg and sperm cells are Haploid.

6. There are a unique number of chromsomes for each species.
Humans have 46 chromosomes, gorillas have 48, cows have 60, fern plants have 1262, and snails and sheep have 54. Obviously sheep and snails are different however. You can tell because the size and anatomy of the chromosomes are different.

7. Chromosomes are associated with gender.
Two X chromosomes lead to female development. XY leads to male development. Non sex chromosomes are called autosomes.

8. Chromosomes are associated with aging.
Telomeres, or the ends of chromosomes, are lost during dna sequencing. Scientist believe that this could be a cause of old age.

9. Before cell division chromosomes are copied by a process called replication.

10.Chromosomes crossover, rearrange and split during meiosis.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beginning of my DNA blog.

Hello everyone! Today I am starting my blog about DNA. I will be continuing this blog until April, so keep reading okay? Alright well today I would like to talk about what I have learned so far in my DNA class. First off, I would like to teach you about chromosomes.

10 things you need to know about chromosomes:

1. Chromosomes are composed of DNA and proteins.
The complete name for DNA is Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Big word huh? The proteins in chromosomes are called histones. DNA wraps itself around these histone proteins.

2. Chromosomes have different funtional regions of DNA
-Genetic Regions: The genes of a cell are stored here. These genes carry information to make proteins that give us traits like eye color or if we have lobed ears or attached ears. What do you have?
-Regulatory regions: DNA in regulatory regions decided what genes are on or off. For example, your brain cells only express genes that are needed for brain function so you can do all of the things you can do.
-Junk regions: These regions of chromosomes are a mystery. There is no known function. Satellite regions is the space between genes and introns.

3.Chromosomes are usually in an uncondensed form in the nucleus.
Uncondensed chromosomes look like a bowl of spagetti noodles and condensed chromosomes look like chubby X's.

Well, I guess I'll only share 3 with you today...I have to get to class. There will be more soon!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I have officially made a blog.